Friday, August 14, 2009

JOTT - Special Edition

Well, I've been on the road for two weeks now, so you know what that means. It's time for Beard Watch 09! I don't notice much change. I went from having a ridiculous beard last week to still having a ridiculous beard this week. But maybe it's just because i see the beard everyday, so I don't really notice the change. Thoughts?

Also, I'd like to point out some of the people I've met along the way.

In Wind Cave National Park, I met Lara, who was doing a solo, cross-country drive as well, hitting up as many national parks as she could fit in. She, however, was going the opposite direction from me: San Diego to Washington, DC. And she would be starting graduate school, rather than having just completed it. But I hope her trip and studies continue to go well.

In Cut Bank, MT, I stayed at a motel. That evening in the hot tub I met a nice couple who were in town for a model cannon convention. Convention may not be the right word for it; perhaps shoot-off is more accurate. They hailed from Frenchtown, MT, just outside of Missoula. They'd spent the whole day firing model cannons, some of which, apparently, fire bowling balls (how much of a "model" it is at that point and how much it's just a cannon is unclear). Nonetheless, a truly interesting hobby that I had no idea existed.

And in Glacier National Park, I camped next to a retired couple from Santa Cruz, CA. Mickey came over and chatted for a little while. It turned out that he was an accomplished amateur nature and wildlife photographer. He'd even published a couple of books, which he was nice enough to retrieve from his trailer for me to peruse. His story of a mean grizzly in Yellowstone remains chilling. He was following roughly the same route from Glacier to Yellowstone that I was the same day. I hope he had luck finding the grizzlies and wolves he wanted to photograph this trip.

I have two more weeks to go, and I'm sure I'll come across more fascinating people. At least I hope I do.

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